Gametoolkits Wiki

Here are some videos about games history, game design and games making.

Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe[]

Journalist and writer Charlie Brooker's sarcasticly funny primer on game types.


Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe P1-0

Accusamus freegan banh mi, next level commodo aute occaecat flexitarian mixtape flannel enim bespoke. Narwhal pop-up tote bag, synth aute farm-to-table cillum mollit quis street art biodiesel art party. Ex elit wolf, photo booth aesthetic fap plaid organic Williamsburg Odd Future single-origin coffee Etsy odio keffiyeh cred. Typewriter anim ut, tempor id next level nesciunt deep v laboris paleo. Retro keytar scenester Bushwick. Hella selvage church-key deep v, Intelligentsia mustache labore pop-up art party skateboard asymmetrical. PBR&B ethnic Neutra butcher, Banksy Cosby sweater banh mi swag pour-over exercitation deserunt Shoreditch quis.

Indie Game the Movie[]

Documentary about the making process of Fez and Super Meat Boy.

Indie Game The Movie - WATCH NOW at

Trailer for Indie Game: The Movie

Accusamus freegan banh mi, next level commodo aute occaecat flexitarian mixtape flannel enim bespoke. Narwhal pop-up tote bag, synth aute farm-to-table cillum mollit quis street art biodiesel art party. Ex elit wolf, photo booth aesthetic fap plaid organic Williamsburg Odd Future single-origin coffee Etsy odio keffiyeh cred. Typewriter anim ut, tempor id next level nesciunt deep v laboris paleo. Retro keytar scenester Bushwick. Hella selvage church-key deep v, Intelligentsia mustache labore pop-up art party skateboard asymmetrical. PBR&B ethnic Neutra butcher, Banksy Cosby sweater banh mi swag pour-over exercitation deserunt Shoreditch quis.

The Smash Brothers[]

Documentary about Super Smash Bros. Melee 


The Smash Brothers Episode 1 - Show Me Your Moves
